Virginia Creeper Trail - MM 23 ~ 16 (Taylor's Valley)

If you're biking the trail east to west, this is the next section of the trail you'll encounter. This area also covers the Straight Branch area but I didn't take many pictures of that section.

I've done part of this section twice. The first time (August 2nd, 2020) on foot hiking eastward with just my brother; we started that afternoon in Damascus and camped just outside of Taylor's Valley. The second time (October 4th, 2020) I biked westward with some friends.

I'm fairly sure this batch of pictures is from roughly the Straight Branch area.

This grouping of pictures comes from the campsite my brother and I set up right before the Straight Branch area; it's just before Trestle 28 on the map below. There was a campsite near where we were staying that you are supposed to reserve before use, but we didn't see those signs until the next morning as we were leaving -- oops! But, we were technically on the bank of the South Holston River, just outside the site, so that helps clear my conscience a little.

Finally, these pictures are from the gravel section of the trail just across the bridge. It's a very pastoral section of the trail which crosses by several small farms.

The following pictures come from the second time I biked the trail. They are all of what I believe is Trestle 28, though it could be 29.

For a map of the upper section of the Virginia Creeper Trail, click here

Last updated: 4/24/2022