Virginia Creeper Trail - MM 27 ~ 23 (Creek Junction)

If you're biking the trail east to west, this is the next section of the trail you'll encounter. This section does not pass through many named areas, but runs from the Creek Junction Trailhead to the section just outside of Taylor's Valley.

I've done part of this section twice. The first time (August 2nd, 2020) on foot hiking eastward with just my brother; we camped just outside of Taylor's Valley and hiked from MM 23 to about MM 26, where the VCT intersects the Appalachian Trail, and then switched off for the Appalachian Trail instead.

The second time (October 4th, 2020), I was biking westward with a group of five friends.

On a small branch from the trail perhaps about halfway between MM 25 and MM 26 is a slight offshoot which takes you to a rock formation which makes for good jumping. The first time I was there, the stream was red with the mud of the several recent rains.

The second time, the water was clearer, and several of us jumped in and swam around.

For a map of the upper section of the Virginia Creeper Trail, click here

Last updated: 4/24/2022